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PC 09/22/99
City of Pleasanton
PC 09/22/99
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PC 09/22/99
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northem side and which would reduce the planter strip on the southern side where the visual barrier is <br />proposed. <br /> <br />Commissioner Kameny inquired as to what would happen if the Commission approves the PUD, and the <br />developer and the City could not come to an agreement on the feasibility of creating these additional <br />five affordable lots. Mr. Plucker advised that the 31 lots would be approved. <br /> <br />In response to a request for an explanation as to the "affordable" housing program, Ms. Seto provided <br />the criteria for qualifying for the program and the types of assistance which is available, noting that <br />Scott Erickson is the City's Housing Specialist and the contact person for this program. <br /> <br />Chairperson Roberts noted that she has spoken with Mrs. Nolan and the developer, and that she also <br />spoke with a neighbor on Division Street who expressed interest in this program. <br /> <br />Commissioner Maas noted that she also spoke with the developer. <br /> <br />In response to a request from Chairperson Roberts for information regarding the soundwall next to the <br />Fairgrounds, Mr. Plucker advised that when the development to the west side was being studied, one of <br />the conditions which was being required in order to grant easements to extend sewer and water over the <br />Fairgrounds property was the visual buffer to separate the non-residential uses south of this site and the <br />proposed residential developments, in an attempt to minimize complaints. He noted that the nine lots <br />currently under construction, will be constructing their segment of the wall in conjunction with that <br />development. <br /> <br />Chairperson Roberts asked if the 1.8-acre parcel is intended to be non-divisible. Mr. Plucker indicated <br />that the initial intent was not to prevent it from ultimately subdividing, it was to apply standards which <br />would be more applicable for how the property will be used if the development proceeds and not to <br />restrict it from future development. He noted that staff has had discussions with the applicant, and that <br />the applicant will be requesting a rider that states that in the future should the property be developed it <br />should follow the R-l-10 zoning criteria as modified by this development, which will provide a like-type <br />of development. <br /> <br />Commissioner Maas asked staff to comment on the letter received from Mr. Zeiss with regard to the <br />improvements on Rose Lane. Mr. Plucker responded that staff's intention is to get the sidewalk to <br />continue and connect to the pedestrian pathway along the creek. He noted that this would be addressed <br />in conjunction with the tentative map. Mr. Plucker noted that he has spoken with Mr. Zeiss and the <br />other issues in his letter have been addressed in the conditions of approval. <br /> <br />Commissioner Kameny requested additional information regarding the maintenance district proposed for <br />the park. Mr. Goins stated that this would allow future development, as well as the current residents to <br />contribute toward the maintenance of the improvements of the pocket park and the linear park and <br />would minimize the exclusiveness of these facilities, so that they become more of a <br />community/neighborhood type of park. Discussion ensued regarding how this association would <br />function. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED <br /> <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 6 September 22, 1999 <br /> <br /> <br />
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