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PC 02/24/99
City of Pleasanton
PC 02/24/99
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PC 02/24/99
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Design and Beautification Committee meeting. She spoke in favor of a live oak being planted versus a <br />trellis, and she commented on the entrances available for people with disabilities. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED <br /> <br />Commissioner Kameny noted that this is the third applicant since his being on the Planning Commission <br />where them has been a miscommunication between the applicant and staff. He noted that modifications <br />should not be made to the design after approval from staff. If the applicants propose something, they <br />should build to specification. He expressed support with both the addition of the oak tree and trellis. He <br />noted that the trellis should fit over the existing patio, planter, and oak tree. He noted that the trellis <br />provides a visual relief to separate the property from the adjacent parking lot and suggested putting in <br />the trellis to provide separation and incorporating the oak tree and planter. He noted that there was not <br />sufficient space to accommodate the strip around the windows. He suggested that if modified windows <br />are approved, he would desire the aluminum windows to be a different color to supply definition and <br />depth. He stated in his observations the building needs to be wider and can be accomplished by a <br />modification on the existing window sash, and providing a brick border along patio areas at the comer of <br />Ray and Main Streets. He expressed concurrence with the applicant that the brick will be defaced if <br />installed from the south property line. He noted approval with leaving the fence as shown on the <br />approved plans, installing brick facing along the raised portion of the patio and eliminating the front <br />brick border. He expressed his desire for a trellis and the oak tree, and spoke in favor of more definition <br />on the windows. <br /> <br />Commissioner Roberts noted that she concurred with not installing wood trim along the windows and <br />suggested a larger window sill on upper stories of the building to add depth to the building. She <br />expressed concern with the wrought iron fence and noted it looked like a playpen and spoke of the <br />importance of extending the brick around to the front of the fence. She noted that Commissioner <br />Kameny's suggestion relating to the brick is a good idea as long as it's extended along the front of the <br />building. Further, she suggested utilizing brick posts with the wrought iron in between the posts, and <br />having a fake gate at the comer of the trellis. She noted that these modifications would define the comer <br />and draw attention away from the parking lot and still allow for visibility of the umbrellas. She further <br />stated that the visual height is necessary and spoke in favor of the trellis being installed at the comer to <br />provide a visibly interesting view. She further requested that the brick be installed on the face of the <br />patio at least a foot high. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS REOPENED <br /> <br />Mr. Churka noted there is a brick molding installed on the from patio. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED <br /> <br />Commissioner Roberts expressed concurrence with staffs suggestion since the Planning Commission is <br />not redesigning the project. <br /> <br />Commissioner Maas commended staff for their patience in resolving issues relating to this application. <br />She noted that parents have a responsibility to supervise their children and expressed concern with <br /> <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 6 February 24, 1999 <br /> <br /> <br />
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