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limited I~ measures that are feasible, as defined in the California Environmental Quality Act, <br />CI~QA (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.) or the State CEQA Guidelines (Title 14 <br />Cal. Code Regs. Section 15000 et seq.), a~ll~at,~.~ifically tailored to and would avoid or <br />substantially lessen a significant adverse environmental impact not previously identified in the <br />FlaIR directly caused or contributed to by the subject of the Subsequent Approval ("New <br />Signifie~t Impacts"). By constructing or funding the construction of those off-site traffic <br />improvements set forth in the Initial Project Approvals, and paying existing development impact <br />fees to the City as set forth in Section 2.4(f) and paying traffic fees as set forth in Section 3.8, <br />Property Owner shall be deemed to fully satisfy its fair share of off-site traffic improvements. <br /> <br /> 2.9 <br />schools.] <br /> <br />School Impact Fees. [This Sectioa will state the parties' agreement regarding <br /> <br /> 2.10 No Action to Imt~de Project Am~rovals and Subseauent Avvroval~. City shall <br />take no action nor impose any condition in coonection with implementation of the Initial Project <br />Al~rovals, or approval or implementation of Subsequent Discretionary Approvals, which would <br />conflict with the Project Approvals. For purposes of this Section 2,10, action taken or conditions <br />imposed shall be deemed to be "in conflict" with the Project Approvals if such action or <br />conditions result in one or more of the circumstances identified in subsection 2.4(c) (i) tkrough <br />( ) above. <br /> <br /> 2.11 Processing Durimt Third Party Litigation. The filing of any third party lawsuit(s) <br />against City or Property Owner relating to this Agreement, the Project Approvals, any <br />Subsequent Approvals or to other development issues affecting the Property shall not delay or <br />stop the development, processing or construction of the Project, approval of any Subsequent <br />Discretionary Approvals, or issuance of Subsequent Ministerial Approvals, unless the third party <br />obtains a court order preventing the activity. Without Property Owner's prior written consent, <br />City shall not stipulate to or cooperate in the issuance of any such order. <br /> <br /> 2.12 Qood Faith and Fair Dealing. The parties shall cooperate with each other and act <br />in good faith in the implementation of the Project Approvals. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 3. <br /> <br />PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION <br /> <br /> 3.1 General Imniementation of the Project. The Parties agree to carry out the <br />elements of the Project and obligations set forth in this Article 3 in the manner and within the <br />time frames set forth in the Project Approvals. <br /> <br /> 3.2 Plea-nanton Acauisifion of Three (3) Acre Pan:el Adiacent to Library (Presently <br />0~, ned Iw San Francisco). [Still under discussion.] <br /> <br /> 3.3 Offer of Dedication for Public Use. Property Owner shall designate <br />approximately three hundred thirty (330) acres of the Property, as more particularly described on <br />Exhibit D, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Public Parcel") <br />and shall offer the Public Parcel for dedication to the City, subject to the following, terms and <br />conditions: <br /> <br />35690/849375v5 - 10 - <br /> <br /> <br />