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land conveyed by AMELIA A. MURRAY, a single person~tp the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, by <br />deed recorded February 14, 1955, in Book 7566 of Official Records at page 463 <br /> <br />(AK 15845), Records of Alameda County, California; thence westerly along said <br />northerly line to an intersection thereof with~he easterly line of that certain <br />parcel of land conveyed by HAROLD W. KOLB and ELSIE KOLB, husband and wife, to <br />the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, by deed recorded November 8, 1951, in Book 6583 of <br />Official Records at'page 233 (AF 95355), Records of Alameda County, California; <br />thence leaving said intersection northwesterly in a direct line to the easterly <br />terminus of that certain course designated "S. 890 07' 08" E., 370 feet, more <br />or less" in the description of northerly line of said parcel of land, said <br />terminus also being the centerline of the Dublin Creek; thence leaving said <br />easterly terminus southeasterly in a direct line to a point on the southerly <br />line of last said parcel .distant N. 88° 27' 17" W'~ (said bearing being taken <br />as N. 88° 27' 17" W. for the purpose of making this description) 675.00 feet <br />from the most westerly corner o~ that certain parcel of land designated "PARCEL <br /> <br />IIi' and conveyed by HAROLD W. KOLB and ELSIE KOLB, husband and'wife, to the <br /> <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA~by deed recorded June 14, 1955, in Book 7689 of Official <br />Records at page 301 (AK 63509), Records of Alameda County, California; thence <br />leaving said point S. 1° 32' 43" E., 259.69 feet~; thence $.53° 50' 00" E., <br /> <br />806.64 feet; thence S. 67° 23' 00" E., 259.99 feet~; thRnce N. 67° 02' 42" E., <br />28.01 feet; thence S. 63° 07' 52" E., 300.00 feet; thence S. 23° 09' 13" E., <br /> <br />320.00 feet; thence S. 65° 55' 07" E., 371.09 feet; thence N. 66° 24' 22" E., <br /> <br />to an intersection thereof with the general westerly line of that certain <br />territory annexed to the City of Pleasanton under Ordinance No. 366~ a. map of <br />which was filed January 2i, 1966, in Map Book 51 at page 14, Records of Alameda <br />County, Californi~; thence in a general northerly and~rly direction along <br />said general we}terly boundary line and the genera~ northerly boundary line of said <br />territory to an intersection thereof with the general westerly boundary line <br />of that certain territory annexed to the City of Pleasanton under Ordinance No. <br />523, a map of which was filed September 30, 1968, in Map Book 51 at page 94, <br /> <br /> <br />