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,qec. <br /> <br />sec. 6.5 <br /> <br />Sec. <br /> <br />Class 4: Miner Alterations te Land. Class 4 consists ef <br />miner public er privat~ alterations in the condition ef <br />land, water and/or vegetation which de net involve removal <br />ef mature scenic trees except for forestry and agricultural <br />purposes, including but net limited to: <br /> <br />(a) <br /> <br />Grading en land with a slope ef less than 10 percent, <br />except where it is te be located in a waterway, in <br />any wetland, in an officially designated (by Federal~ <br />State er local governmental action) scenic area, er <br />in officially mapped areas ef severe geologic hazard. <br /> <br />(b) New gardening er landscaping but net including tree <br /> removal. <br /> <br />(C) <br /> <br />Filling ef earth inte'p~evieusly excavated land <br />with material compatible with the natural features <br />ef the site; <br /> <br />Miner alterations in land, water and vegetation o~ <br />existing officially designated wildlife management <br />areas ef fish production facilities which result <br />in improvement ef habitat for fish and wildlife <br />resources er greater fish production; <br /> <br />(e) <br /> <br />Miner temporary uses ef land having negligible er <br />ne permanent effects en the environment, including <br />carnivals, sales ef Christmas trees, etc. <br /> <br />(f) Miner trenchinS .and backfilling where the surface <br /> is restored. <br /> <br />~; AlteratiOns in Land Use Limitations. Class 5 <br /> t ef miner alterations in land use limitations, <br />except zoning, inqludifi~ but net limited to: <br /> <br />(a) <br /> <br />Minor let line adjustmentS, Side yard an~ set back <br />variances net resulting in the creation of any new <br />parcel nor in any change in land use er density; <br /> <br />(b) Issuance ef mlner encroachment permits. <br /> <br />(c) Miner subdivisions. <br /> <br />Variances Including but not necessarily llmlte~ te <br />these provided for in sub-section (c) ef ~ 2-11.23 <br />of the OrdinanCe Cede el th? City. <br /> <br />(e) Memo Occupation Permits. <br /> <br />Cla s 6: Information Collection: Class 6 consists ef <br /> ita cell,c' i,n. r,searCh. experimental <br /> management <br />and resource evaluation activities which de net result <br />in a serieu2 er major disturbance te anenvirenmental <br />resource. These may be for strictly information gathering <br />purposes, or. as part ef ~ study leading te an action which <br />a public agency has net yet appreved, adopted er funded, <br /> <br /> <br />