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NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED, DETEPc'&INED AND ORDERED: <br /> <br />That the appiicaUon of r~e City of P!easamon referenced ~ Happy Valley AnnexaUon No. 144. <br />proposing the atm,-xauon of 8111 acres is hereby approved subjet', to the following lerms and <br />conditions: <br /> <br />Correcfior. of the Hnai }.laps imd Description as may -e required 5} the Cotm~' <br />Surveyor <br /> <br />Exclusion of pamels no. 94.9-0011-004-12 (Miranda] and 9~.9-001 ]-005-00 (Schaefer). <br /> <br />That the City o~ Pleasanton is nereey designated as the Conducung Authorxty pursuant to <br />Government Code section 57000 et seq. and the City is hereby authorized to proceed ~.'.ith the <br />pub[icatmn of all legal notices a~d conduct nf public heanngs as reqmred by statute: <br /> <br />That a ResoluUon entilled "Findings and Explanation of the Atax'neda County Local Agency <br />Formatton Commtssion pursuant m CEQA Regarding ~e Proposed CiW of Ple~aaton ltal~y <br />Valley Annexation' pm~uam to CEQA and CEQA Galdelines has be~,n adopted and is ineo~ <br />herera by referen=e: <br /> <br />That the LAIrCo Executive Officer was amhonzed and directed to tile a Notice ot'Determinauon <br />pursuant to the Califomaa Code or Reguiauons ~ection 15096 with respect to the environmental <br />findings adopted bere~x' and change of organization proposed hereby. <br /> <br />i'his Resolutmn xvo.s approved and adopxe~ by the Alameda County Local Agency Formauon Co~ort <br />at a regulax meeting held on March 1 I. 1990 at 7051 Dubtin Doutevaxd. Dublin. California on the motion <br /> <br />made by Corm'mssxoner <br />Ayes: <br /> <br />Noes: <br /> <br />Absent: <br /> <br />· seconded by Commissioner <br /> <br />· and duly carneck <br /> <br />Doue Morrisson. Chaimerson <br />Alameda County Local Agency Formation Commission <br /> <br />LAFCo Legal Coumei <br />Senior Depu~'y Count) Counsel <br /> <br />P~cSof4 <br /> <br /> <br />