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Resolution No. 94-145 <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />a. The Rosewood Drive PSE shall be planted and designed in accordance with the <br />Hacienda Business Park guidelines as follows: <br /> <br />i. The berms shall reach a height of 24" above the street curb and shall be <br />a minimum of 80' in length, where possible. <br /> ii. A cress-section of the berm and PSE shall be included in the landscape <br />plan and the grading and drainage plans. <br /> iii. At least 40% of the trees installed shall be Chinese hackberry, and 60% <br />of the trees shall be blackwood acacia, or a similar-appearing hypo-allergenic specie. <br />Both shall installed in a 24"-box size, Three more blackwood acacia axe needed to meet <br />the 60% requirement. <br /> iv. The entry accent and flowering trees at the back of the berm shall be <br />raplaced wiffi Blackwood acacia, or another evergreen specie appreved for the PSE area. <br />These additional Blackwood acacia shall not count toward the required 60% ratio <br />indicated above. <br /> iii. The agapanthus shall be planted a maximum of 2' on-center and the <br />escallonia and raphiolepis shall be planted a minimum of 3'-4' on center. <br />iv. There shall be a ten feet wide lawn area between the curb and the <br />sidewalk. <br />v. Trees may be planted at a density of no less than 1 tree/l,000 sq. ft. of <br /> <br />b. Planter islands at the ends of parking rows along the main drive aisle at the frent <br />of the building shall include one crape myrtle. to help demarcate this aisle as a main drive <br />aisle threugh the center. <br /> <br />c. In the parking lot, each planter island at the end of an aisle shall contain at least <br />one 24-inch box tree. At least two of the trees within the longer aisles, and at least one <br />of the trees within the shorter aisles, shall be of the 24-inch box size. <br /> <br />d. The applicant, or Prudential, shall ins~ll a permanent kiosk on-site which <br />promotes Downtown and which provides displays on Downtown history and/or special <br />Downtown Pleasanton events. The applicant, staff, and the Pleasanton Downtown <br />Association shall work together to design this kiosk and find an appropriate location for <br />it on-site. This kiosk is not intended as advertising for any Downtown businesses or <br />services, and shall not include references to specific businesses or commercial services. <br /> <br />e. The landscape plan aiso shall include the location of site amenities including <br />raised planters, benches, pedestrian trash receptacles, and, if desired, decorative flags. <br />Design details for such amenifies shall be submitted for the review and approval of the <br />Planning Director. <br /> <br /> <br />