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ALAMRDA COUNTY <br />LOCAL AGENCY FORI~iATION COrvSfi <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 99-01 <br /> <br />EXHIBIT A <br /> <br /> LAFC0 FI.YDINGS AND EXPLANATION <br />PURSUANT TO CEQA AND CEQA GUIDELINES REGARDING <br />TIz[E CITY OF PLEASANTON <br /> HAPPY VALLEY ANNEXATION NO. 14~ <br /> <br />As pan of the Happy Valley Specific Plan and Related Planrun,, and Development Actions. <br />including. inter alia. General Plan Amendment. Specific Plan. Pre-zo~ing. and Annexanon of lands <br />that would be affected by the above noted proposal. the City of Pleasanton. acting as lead agency. <br />prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) entitled "Envirortmenta] Impact Report for Hapl~y <br />Valley Spec:fic Plan and Related Planrang and Development Actions." State Clearinghouse No. <br />97032034, <br /> <br />The EIR among other t~ngs analyzes the si_~m~cant environmental impacts that could result from <br />:he aforementmned discreuonary entitlemeats. The Alameda Count',' Local A,,encv Formation <br />Corru'mssion finds that the EIR is adequate to satisfy the requirements ;elated to ~t~ apt;royal of this <br />change of organizatmn involving the annexaUon of temtorv to the City of Pleasanton. and has been <br />prepared in compliance with the California Environmental'Qualitv Aci (CEQA} and State and local <br />CEQA Guidelines. The Findings and Statements of the City of ibleasanton ase incorporated herera <br />by reference. <br /> <br />The Alameda Coun;y Local Agency Formation Commxssion has reviewed and considered. inter <br />alia. al the reformation continned in the E1R and other suppoKing documents. bl the LAFCo <br />Execunve Officer's Report. and cl the City of Pleasanton's General and Specific Plan. <br /> <br />The EIR idemified a ~[~mber or' significant env,ronmental effects. rmti_~ation measures and project <br />altemauves. Except for al no project optton as discussed below. and%~ rmtigauon measures that <br />would be implemented by approving this change of orgamzauon. each and every. change or <br />alterauon to the project as identified in the EIR which would avoid or substantially lessen the <br />si~ificant effects axe within the responsibility and jurisdiction of agencies other ,than (he Alameda <br />Count?' Local Agency Format,on Corrh-'mssion. These measures have been. or can and should be, <br />adopted by other agencies. <br /> <br />The Alameda County Local Agency Formation Comrmssion has only broad scope planning powers <br />relating to local governmental agency boundaries and lacks the power to control the spea:i~cs of a) <br />conditions of land use approvals. b} design of public works or infrastructure or. c~ provisions of <br />loc',fl agency servmes or controls in a manner that could cause implementation of mitigation <br />measures or project altematives as may be specified by the EIR ~except for the no project option and <br />mitigation measures implemented by approving the change of organization ). <br /> <br />The Alameda County Local Agency Formation Commission finds that the no pr~ect alternative is <br />lnfeas~ble because it is in conflict ',vlth the City of Pleasanton's General Plan and Happy Valley <br />Specific Plan. <br /> <br />Page I of 2 <br /> <br /> <br />